Quasimodo contains 51 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
sand cat survive in the desert POSITIVE 0.9988 1.0000 0.9994
sand cat adapt to the desert POSITIVE 0.9178 0.9190 0.9279
sand cat live in the desert POSITIVE 0.8931 0.8942 0.8931
sand cat be adapted to the desert POSITIVE 0.8036 0.8046 0.8226
sand cat go extinct POSITIVE 0.7716 0.7725 0.7716
sand cat survive in desert POSITIVE 0.5832 0.5839 0.5832
sand cat have thick fur POSITIVE 0.5779 0.5786 0.5801
sand cat care for young POSITIVE 0.5754 0.5761 0.5754
sand cat get food POSITIVE 0.5178 0.5184 0.5182
sand cat protect themselves POSITIVE 0.4431 0.4436 0.4442
sand cat has_color yellow POSITIVE 0.3960 0.3965 0.3960
sand cat defend itself POSITIVE 0.3694 0.3699 0.3845
sand cat defend themselves POSITIVE 0.3693 0.3697 0.3693
sand cat has_trait quiet POSITIVE 0.3640 0.3644 0.3640
sand cat lay eggs POSITIVE 0.3374 0.3378 0.3374
sand cat has_property qualified POSITIVE 0.3019 0.3022 0.3019
sand cat has_property kitten POSITIVE 0.2983 0.2987 0.2983
sand cat become extinct POSITIVE 0.2973 0.2976 0.2975
sand cat have big ears POSITIVE 0.2830 0.2834 0.2836
sand cat eat whiskers POSITIVE 0.1944 0.1947 1.0000