Quasimodo contains 223 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
smallpox affect body TBC[human body] POSITIVE 0.9556 1.0000 0.9598
smallpox has_property deadly TBC[so deadly] POSITIVE 0.8291 0.8676 0.8292
smallpox has_property similar some[subj/bubonic plague and] POSITIVE 0.7990 0.8361 0.7990
smallpox be treated in the 1800s POSITIVE 0.7073 0.7402 1.0000
smallpox has_property extinct TBC[now extinct illness] POSITIVE 0.7003 0.7329 0.7003
smallpox get into the body POSITIVE 0.6992 0.7317 0.7324
smallpox has_property different some[subj/cowpox and] POSITIVE 0.6476 0.6777 0.6476
smallpox be treated in the 18th century POSITIVE 0.6444 0.6743 1.0000
smallpox be treated in the 19th century POSITIVE 0.6439 0.6738 1.0000
smallpox has_property who POSITIVE 0.6301 0.6594 0.6301
smallpox has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.6257 0.6548 0.6257
smallpox has_property vaccine POSITIVE 0.6170 0.6457 0.6170
smallpox has_property around still, TBC[still around] POSITIVE 0.6108 0.6391 0.6108
smallpox evade immune system POSITIVE 0.6016 0.6296 0.6721
smallpox affect us today POSITIVE 0.5887 0.6161 0.6100
smallpox affect human body POSITIVE 0.5839 0.6110 0.6222
smallpox has_property cystic POSITIVE 0.5643 0.5905 0.5643
smallpox affect respiratory system POSITIVE 0.5629 0.5891 0.5645
smallpox be transmitted to the ucwalmicw POSITIVE 0.5625 0.5886 1.0000
smallpox affect immune system POSITIVE 0.5570 0.5829 0.5795