Quasimodo contains 50 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
sportsmanship be important to educational athletics POSITIVE 0.4526 1.0000 1.0000
sportsmanship has_property ideal POSITIVE 0.4506 0.9956 0.4506
sportsmanship be important in football POSITIVE 0.4458 0.9848 0.5164
sportsmanship has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.4176 0.9227 0.4176
sportsmanship has_trait good POSITIVE 0.4170 0.9214 0.4170
sportsmanship has_property ionic POSITIVE 0.4138 0.9142 0.4138
sportsmanship has_property irreversible POSITIVE 0.3684 0.8139 0.3684
sportsmanship be important in life POSITIVE 0.3404 0.7521 0.3464
sportsmanship has_property valuable POSITIVE 0.3303 0.7297 0.3303
sportsmanship has_property irregular POSITIVE 0.3191 0.7050 0.3191
sportsmanship has_property ivy league POSITIVE 0.2781 0.6143 0.2781
sportsmanship has_property ivy POSITIVE 0.2557 0.5649 0.2557
sportsmanship has_property iii POSITIVE 0.2404 0.5312 0.2404
sportsmanship has_property problem POSITIVE 0.2242 0.4953 0.2242
sportsmanship has_property identity POSITIVE 0.2117 0.4678 0.2117
sportsmanship has_trait weak POSITIVE 0.2097 0.4632 0.2097
sportsmanship be important in high school POSITIVE 0.2091 0.4619 0.2263
sportsmanship has_property an important quality to discuss with regards to a physical education class POSITIVE 0.1982 0.4378 1.0000
sportsmanship has_property useful POSITIVE 0.1792 0.3958 0.1792
sportsmanship be important to athletes POSITIVE 0.1499 0.3312 0.2776