Quasimodo contains 205 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
sprain has_property a particular problem POSITIVE 0.9545 1.0000 1.0000
sprain hurt more than break POSITIVE 0.9391 0.9839 1.0000
sprain has_property injury POSITIVE 0.9011 0.9441 0.9011
sprain hurt more in morning POSITIVE 0.8568 0.8976 0.8792
sprain take longer to heal POSITIVE 0.8401 0.8801 0.8560
sprain turn purple POSITIVE 0.7897 0.8274 0.7952
sprain has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.7883 0.8260 0.7883
sprain has_place away POSITIVE 0.7856 0.8231 0.7856
sprain take long to heal POSITIVE 0.7851 0.8226 0.7911
sprain has_property azerbaijan POSITIVE 0.7801 0.8173 0.7801
sprain has_property ayahuasca POSITIVE 0.7716 0.8084 0.7716
sprain has_movement quick POSITIVE 0.7658 0.8024 0.7658
sprain has_property axial POSITIVE 0.7366 0.7717 0.7366
sprain hurt more at night POSITIVE 0.7310 0.7659 0.7506
sprain has_property autistic POSITIVE 0.7300 0.7648 0.7300
sprain has_color red POSITIVE 0.7076 0.7413 0.7076
sprain be go down POSITIVE 0.7068 0.7406 1.0000
sprain hurt worse at night POSITIVE 0.6988 0.7322 0.7181
sprain has_property slow to heal POSITIVE 0.6921 0.7251 0.7313
sprain has_trait good POSITIVE 0.6727 0.7048 0.6727