Quasimodo contains 63 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
stuart work in the vic POSITIVE 0.5929 1.0000 1.0000
stuart has_property little able to talk POSITIVE 0.5363 0.9045 1.0000
stuart has_property ok POSITIVE 0.5105 0.8611 0.5106
stuart be different in taken POSITIVE 0.4492 0.7576 1.0000
stuart has_property iowa POSITIVE 0.4253 0.7173 0.4253
stuart has_property ave POSITIVE 0.4220 0.7117 0.4220
stuart campbell live in bath POSITIVE 0.3236 0.5458 1.0000
stuart has_property in the queen vic POSITIVE 0.3058 0.5158 1.0000
stuart has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.2856 0.4817 0.2856
stuart be absent during the battle of gettysburg POSITIVE 0.2555 0.4309 1.0000
stuart has_property ia POSITIVE 0.2470 0.4166 0.2470
stuart be different in taken 3 POSITIVE 0.1978 0.3337 1.0000
stuart have crappy flip phone POSITIVE 0.1949 0.3288 1.0000
stuart has_property age POSITIVE 0.1919 0.3237 0.1919
stuart be school of business POSITIVE 0.1598 0.2695 0.3988
stuart has_property pronounce POSITIVE 0.1565 0.2640 0.1565
stuart has_property island POSITIVE 0.1495 0.2521 0.1495
stuart has_property aquarium POSITIVE 0.1485 0.2505 0.1485
stuart be from jessie TBC[jessie girl] POSITIVE 0.1308 0.2206 0.1336
stuart has_property ross POSITIVE 0.1299 0.2191 0.1302