Quasimodo contains 283 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
swede hate each other POSITIVE 0.9771 1.0000 0.9786
swede speak well english POSITIVE 0.9644 0.9870 0.9955
swede speak english TBC[english so well], TBC[good english], TBC[such good english], some[subj/most], some[subj/so many], some[subj/all], TBC[such fantastic english] POSITIVE 0.9507 0.9729 0.9507
swede dislike each other POSITIVE 0.9380 0.9599 0.9594
swede celebrate christmas on the 24th POSITIVE 0.9197 0.9413 0.9247
swede know well english POSITIVE 0.8955 0.9164 1.0000
swede have slanted eyes POSITIVE 0.8860 0.9067 0.8860
swede has_property happy TBC[so happy] POSITIVE 0.8634 0.8836 0.8634
swede say hello POSITIVE 0.8573 0.8774 0.8617
swede eat pea soup on thursdays POSITIVE 0.8529 0.8729 1.0000
swede greet each other POSITIVE 0.8224 0.8416 0.8378
swede say sweden POSITIVE 0.8179 0.8370 1.0000
swede celebrate santa lucia POSITIVE 0.8051 0.8239 1.0000
swede have lamps in windows POSITIVE 0.7986 0.8173 1.0000
swede put lamps in windows POSITIVE 0.7936 0.8121 1.0000
swede have lights in windows POSITIVE 0.7893 0.8078 0.9261
swede speak good english TBC[such good english] POSITIVE 0.7769 0.7951 0.9422
swede learn english POSITIVE 0.7673 0.7852 0.7673
swede say yes POSITIVE 0.7641 0.7820 0.7765
swede has_property high POSITIVE 0.7524 0.7700 0.7524