Quasimodo contains 111 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
taurus has_property in a relationship POSITIVE 0.9299 1.0000 0.9376
taurus has_property in a wheelchair POSITIVE 0.9012 0.9692 0.9056
taurus like to touch POSITIVE 0.8275 0.8899 1.0000
taurus has_movement slow POSITIVE 0.8203 0.8821 0.8203
taurus get over a breakup POSITIVE 0.7886 0.8481 0.8181
taurus has_property compatible some[subj/cancers and] POSITIVE 0.7840 0.8431 0.7840
taurus come back POSITIVE 0.7825 0.8415 0.7825
taurus complain a lot POSITIVE 0.7676 0.8255 1.0000
taurus fall easily in love POSITIVE 0.7443 0.8004 0.7515
taurus play hard to get POSITIVE 0.7152 0.7692 0.7159
taurus get cheated on POSITIVE 0.7060 0.7593 0.7974
taurus keep coming back POSITIVE 0.6488 0.6977 0.6500
taurus go silent POSITIVE 0.6389 0.6870 0.6753
taurus feel about scorpio POSITIVE 0.6293 0.6768 1.0000
taurus has_trait jealous TBC[so jealous] POSITIVE 0.6157 0.6621 0.6157
taurus has_trait stubborn TBC[so stubborn] POSITIVE 0.6156 0.6620 0.6450
taurus has_property bull POSITIVE 0.5959 0.6408 0.6765
taurus pull away POSITIVE 0.5927 0.6374 0.6020
taurus get angry TBC[so angry] POSITIVE 0.5824 0.6263 0.5831
taurus be in 2019 POSITIVE 0.5603 0.6026 nan