Quasimodo contains 170 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
tcp be popular over in POSITIVE 0.8022 1.0000 1.0000
tcp has_movement slow POSITIVE 0.7827 0.9757 0.7827
tcp has_property an example of abstraction POSITIVE 0.7025 0.8758 1.0000
tcp be called end to end protocol POSITIVE 0.7020 0.8751 1.0000
tcp has_property safe POSITIVE 0.6685 0.8334 0.6685
tcp be combined with POSITIVE 0.6054 0.7547 1.0000
tcp be called connection-oriented protocol POSITIVE 0.5796 0.7225 1.0000
tcp be used in the cable industry POSITIVE 0.5436 0.6777 1.0000
tcp has_property await POSITIVE 0.5372 0.6697 0.5372
tcp has_property abstraction POSITIVE 0.5297 0.6603 0.8923
tcp has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.5269 0.6568 0.5269
tcp be banned in america POSITIVE 0.4696 0.5854 0.5009
tcp has_property reliable protocol POSITIVE 0.4660 0.5809 1.0000
tcp has_trait reliable POSITIVE 0.4507 0.5619 0.4507
tcp be used for ftp POSITIVE 0.4423 0.5514 1.0000
tcp has_property rich POSITIVE 0.4235 0.5279 0.4235
tcp has_property squeak POSITIVE 0.4173 0.5202 0.4173
tcp make connection POSITIVE 0.4110 0.5124 1.0000
tcp be called reliable protocol POSITIVE 0.3975 0.4955 1.0000
tcp has_property url POSITIVE 0.3915 0.4880 0.3915