Quasimodo contains 190 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
telephone has_color yellow POSITIVE 0.9245 0.9245 0.9245
telephone has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.9157 0.9157 0.9157
telephone has_property uk POSITIVE 0.9028 0.9028 0.9028
telephone has_color azure POSITIVE 0.8940 0.8941 0.8940
telephone has_property different from a telegram POSITIVE 0.8861 0.8862 1.0000
telephone has_property at the same time POSITIVE 0.8682 0.8682 0.8682
telephone has_property iconic POSITIVE 0.8568 0.8568 0.8568
telephone has_property useful POSITIVE 0.8363 0.8363 0.8363
telephone has_place away POSITIVE 0.8165 0.8166 0.8165
telephone has_property identical POSITIVE 0.8031 0.8031 0.8031
telephone make life easier POSITIVE 0.8020 0.8021 0.8054
telephone has_trait good POSITIVE 0.7972 0.7972 0.7972
telephone has_property irregular POSITIVE 0.7879 0.7879 0.7879
telephone has_property iud POSITIVE 0.7674 0.7675 0.7674
telephone has_trait attractive POSITIVE 0.7616 0.7616 0.7616
telephone has_property different some[subj/telegraph and] POSITIVE 0.7533 0.7533 0.7533
telephone has_property amazon POSITIVE 0.7292 0.7293 0.7292
telephone be used in business POSITIVE 0.7250 0.7250 0.7364
telephone has_property awesome POSITIVE 0.7207 0.7207 0.7207
telephone has_property bad POSITIVE 0.7060 0.7060 0.7060