Quasimodo contains 76 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
the windmill has_property small POSITIVE 0.9079 1.0000 0.9079
the windmill has_property mnemonic POSITIVE 0.8992 0.9904 0.8992
the windmill has_property fbi POSITIVE 0.8971 0.9881 0.8971
the windmill has_trait nice POSITIVE 0.8960 0.9869 0.8960
the windmill has_movement slow POSITIVE 0.8955 0.9864 0.8955
the windmill has_property squeaky POSITIVE 0.8951 0.9859 0.8952
the windmill has_property high POSITIVE 0.8911 0.9815 0.8911
the windmill has_property bmw POSITIVE 0.8794 0.9686 0.8794
the windmill has_property fun POSITIVE 0.8777 0.9668 0.8777
the windmill has_property uk POSITIVE 0.8738 0.9624 0.8738
the windmill has_trait funny POSITIVE 0.8703 0.9586 0.8703
the windmill has_color brown POSITIVE 0.8672 0.9552 0.8672
the windmill has_property nyc POSITIVE 0.8661 0.9539 0.8661
the windmill has_trait healthy POSITIVE 0.8513 0.9377 0.8513
the windmill has_weather dry POSITIVE 0.8489 0.9350 0.8489
the windmill has_trait sweet POSITIVE 0.8479 0.9339 0.8479
the windmill has_property symbolic POSITIVE 0.8446 0.9303 0.8446
the windmill has_property hereditary POSITIVE 0.8383 0.9233 0.8383
the windmill has_place down POSITIVE 0.8321 0.9166 0.8321
the windmill has_trait quiet POSITIVE 0.8272 0.9111 0.8272