Quasimodo contains 286 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
toxic shock syndrome be caused by tampons POSITIVE 0.6812 0.6812 1.0000
toxic shock syndrome has_place up POSITIVE 0.6634 0.6635 0.6634
toxic shock syndrome has_property everywhere POSITIVE 0.6632 0.6632 0.6632
toxic shock syndrome has_property lupus POSITIVE 0.6345 0.6345 0.6345
toxic shock syndrome has_property necessary POSITIVE 0.6279 0.6280 0.6279
toxic shock syndrome has_property shocked POSITIVE 0.6261 0.6262 0.6263
toxic shock syndrome has_property equal TBC[equal to] POSITIVE 0.6211 0.6212 0.6211
toxic shock syndrome has_property normal POSITIVE 0.6201 0.6202 0.6201
toxic shock syndrome has_property uk POSITIVE 0.6187 0.6187 0.6187
toxic shock syndrome has_property natural POSITIVE 0.5897 0.5897 0.5897
toxic shock syndrome has_property ill POSITIVE 0.5802 0.5803 0.5802
toxic shock syndrome has_property visible POSITIVE 0.5688 0.5688 0.5688
toxic shock syndrome has_property equal to POSITIVE 0.5674 0.5674 0.5675
toxic shock syndrome has_property ugandan POSITIVE 0.5554 0.5554 0.5554
toxic shock syndrome has_property sjogren's syndrome POSITIVE 0.5484 0.5485 0.5484
toxic shock syndrome has_property european POSITIVE 0.5448 0.5448 0.5448
toxic shock syndrome has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.5441 0.5441 0.5441
toxic shock syndrome has_property fbi POSITIVE 0.5426 0.5426 0.5426
toxic shock syndrome has_property aquatic POSITIVE 0.5406 0.5406 0.5406
toxic shock syndrome has_property tlc POSITIVE 0.5369 0.5369 0.5369