Quasimodo contains 33 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
transgene has_place on POSITIVE 0.8536 1.0000 0.8536
transgene has_property able POSITIVE 0.8417 0.9860 0.8417
transgene has_trait secure POSITIVE 0.8341 0.9771 0.8341
transgene has_property available POSITIVE 0.7978 0.9345 0.7978
transgene has_property smart POSITIVE 0.7564 0.8861 0.7564
transgene has_time yet POSITIVE 0.7174 0.8404 0.7174
transgene has_property public POSITIVE 0.6832 0.8003 0.6832
transgene has_property authentic POSITIVE 0.6777 0.7939 0.6777
transgene has_property approach POSITIVE 0.6670 0.7814 0.6670
transgene has_property significance POSITIVE 0.5986 0.7012 0.7583
transgene has_color yellow POSITIVE 0.5596 0.6556 0.5596
transgene has_diet vegan POSITIVE 0.5448 0.6382 0.5448
transgene has_property synthesis POSITIVE 0.4992 0.5848 0.4992
transgene has_property axis POSITIVE 0.4909 0.5750 0.4909
transgene has_property awareness POSITIVE 0.4805 0.5629 0.4805
transgene has_property tier POSITIVE 0.3327 0.3897 0.3327
transgene have important phases POSITIVE 0.0137 0.0160 0.0224
transgene has_property authenticated POSITIVE 0.0133 0.0155 0.0133
transgene be important slope POSITIVE 0.0124 0.0146 1.0000
transgene have important systems POSITIVE 0.0120 0.0141 0.0182