Quasimodo contains 116 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
tuition be high for college POSITIVE 0.8899 1.0000 1.0000
tuition has_property high TBC[so high], some[subj/international], some[subj/american] POSITIVE 0.8659 0.9730 0.8659
tuition be paid in college POSITIVE 0.8541 0.9598 1.0000
tuition be calculated for college POSITIVE 0.8405 0.9445 1.0000
tuition go up POSITIVE 0.7720 0.8675 0.7720
tuition be different from fees POSITIVE 0.7321 0.8227 0.8931
tuition has_property cheaper POSITIVE 0.7242 0.8138 0.7242
tuition cost more POSITIVE 0.6858 0.7707 0.6858
tuition be for non residents TBC[non residents so much more expensive] POSITIVE 0.6821 0.7666 1.0000
tuition go up every year POSITIVE 0.6819 0.7663 0.7371
tuition has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.6691 0.7519 0.6691
tuition has_property ireland POSITIVE 0.6253 0.7027 0.6253
tuition be high in the us POSITIVE 0.6055 0.6805 0.6485
tuition be free in germany POSITIVE 0.5988 0.6729 0.8278
tuition affect tax return POSITIVE 0.5692 0.6397 0.7250
tuition has_trait good TBC[good idea], some[subj/free college], some[subj/free] POSITIVE 0.5234 0.5882 0.5234
tuition has_property room POSITIVE 0.5016 0.5637 0.5016
tuition has_property bad TBC[bad idea], some[subj/free college] POSITIVE 0.4887 0.5492 0.4887
tuition be deducted from taxes POSITIVE 0.4844 0.5444 0.8626
tuition keep increasing POSITIVE 0.4826 0.5423 0.5483