Quasimodo contains 74 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
turret work on a scope POSITIVE 0.8334 1.0000 1.0000
turret has_trait quiet POSITIVE 0.6653 0.7982 0.6653
turret has_color yellow POSITIVE 0.6441 0.7728 0.6441
turret work in 7 days to die POSITIVE 0.6049 0.7258 1.0000
turret has_property round POSITIVE 0.5968 0.7160 0.5968
turret work in elite dangerous POSITIVE 0.5597 0.6715 0.6908
turret be exploded when heavily damaged POSITIVE 0.5282 0.6338 1.0000
turret work in ark POSITIVE 0.5164 0.6196 0.6633
turret decide who to hit POSITIVE 0.5070 0.6083 1.0000
turret target friendly agents in the dz POSITIVE 0.4294 0.5152 1.0000
turret work in fallout 76 POSITIVE 0.3982 0.4777 0.5491
turret be on castles POSITIVE 0.3527 0.4232 1.0000
turret has_property pronounce POSITIVE 0.3248 0.3897 0.3248
turret have magic resistance POSITIVE 0.3019 0.3622 1.0000
turret work in rust POSITIVE 0.2973 0.3567 0.3652
turret take randomly additional true damage POSITIVE 0.2781 0.3336 1.0000
turret has_property camera POSITIVE 0.2761 0.3312 0.2761
turret has_property guy POSITIVE 0.2538 0.3046 0.2538
turret choose a champion to target POSITIVE 0.2396 0.2875 1.0000
turret choose a minion to target POSITIVE 0.2396 0.2875 1.0000