Quasimodo contains 52 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
vacation pay be accrued in ontario POSITIVE 0.6607 1.0000 1.0000
vacation pay get taxed POSITIVE 0.5952 0.9008 0.5952
vacation pay has_property laws POSITIVE 0.5803 0.8783 0.5803
vacation pay be calculated alberta POSITIVE 0.5458 0.8260 1.0000
vacation pay be calculated in alberta POSITIVE 0.5217 0.7897 0.7402
vacation pay get calculated POSITIVE 0.5022 0.7601 0.5320
vacation pay be calculated in saskatchewan POSITIVE 0.5000 0.7568 1.0000
vacation pay be calculated in barbados POSITIVE 0.4955 0.7500 0.7866
vacation pay be calculated in new brunswick POSITIVE 0.4901 0.7417 1.0000
vacation pay be taxed in california POSITIVE 0.4691 0.7100 0.6316
vacation pay be calculated in manitoba POSITIVE 0.4650 0.7038 0.7623
vacation pay be taxed in ontario POSITIVE 0.4640 0.7023 0.7354
vacation pay be calculated in california POSITIVE 0.4500 0.6810 0.6150
vacation pay be calculated for salaried employees POSITIVE 0.4351 0.6586 1.0000
vacation pay be calculated for salary employees POSITIVE 0.4310 0.6523 1.0000
vacation pay be taxed in alberta POSITIVE 0.3968 0.6005 0.8069
vacation pay has_property virginia POSITIVE 0.3811 0.5768 0.3811
vacation pay be taxed in canada POSITIVE 0.3763 0.5696 0.4907
vacation pay be paid in bc POSITIVE 0.3739 0.5659 1.0000
vacation pay be calculated in jamaica POSITIVE 0.3533 0.5347 0.7085