Quasimodo contains 48 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
yahweh be the name for god POSITIVE 0.9248 1.0000 1.0000
yahweh be removed from the bible POSITIVE 0.7044 0.7617 1.0000
yahweh related to the trinity POSITIVE 0.6616 0.7154 1.0000
yahweh be made ever POSITIVE 0.6440 0.6964 0.6440
yahweh be described in the ten commandments POSITIVE 0.5799 0.6270 1.0000
yahweh has_diet vegan POSITIVE 0.5319 0.5752 0.5319
yahweh has_property no longer used POSITIVE 0.5098 0.5513 0.6094
yahweh can be a tribal god POSITIVE 0.5077 0.5490 1.0000
yahweh be called shepherd POSITIVE 0.4297 0.4646 0.5503
yahweh has_color yellow POSITIVE 0.4118 0.4453 0.4118
yahweh has_trait quiet POSITIVE 0.3379 0.3654 0.3379
yahweh has_property radio POSITIVE 0.3002 0.3246 0.3002
yahweh translated to jehovah POSITIVE 0.2997 0.3240 1.0000
yahweh has_property jealous god POSITIVE 0.2664 0.2880 1.0000
yahweh has_property vineyard POSITIVE 0.2636 0.2850 0.2636
yahweh has_property queen POSITIVE 0.2341 0.2531 0.2341
yahweh has_property abbreviation POSITIVE 0.2237 0.2418 0.2237
yahweh has_property significant POSITIVE 0.2155 0.2330 0.2186
yahweh be called jehovah POSITIVE 0.1823 0.1971 nan
yahweh has_property xenoverse 2 POSITIVE 0.1380 0.1492 0.1403