Quasimodo contains 72 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
zillow estimate compared to appraisals POSITIVE 0.6008 1.0000 1.0000
zillow estimate has_property effective POSITIVE 0.4337 0.7219 0.4337
zillow estimate has_property different POSITIVE 0.3277 0.5454 0.3277
zillow estimate has_property higher than redfin POSITIVE 0.1097 0.1826 1.0000
zillow estimate has_property low TBC[so low] POSITIVE 0.0241 0.0401 0.0241
zillow estimate has_property known for POSITIVE 0.0064 0.0107 0.0064
zillow estimate has_property known TBC[known for] POSITIVE 0.0058 0.0096 0.0058
zillow estimate be higher than red fin POSITIVE 0.0049 0.0082 1.0000
zillow estimate has_property zone POSITIVE 0.0041 0.0068 0.0041
zillow estimate be much lower than red fin POSITIVE 0.0038 0.0063 1.0000
zillow estimate has_property calculated POSITIVE 0.0036 0.0060 0.0036
zillow estimate has_property zoned POSITIVE 0.0032 0.0053 0.0032
zillow estimate has_property sold POSITIVE 0.0030 0.0050 0.0031
zillow estimate has_property qualified POSITIVE 0.0024 0.0039 0.0024
zillow estimate has_property zillow POSITIVE 0.0019 0.0031 0.0019
zillow estimate has_property special POSITIVE 0.0007 0.0011 0.0007
zillow estimate has_property sale POSITIVE 0.0006 0.0011 0.0006
zillow estimate has_property salesforce POSITIVE 0.0006 0.0011 0.0117
zillow estimate has_property snr POSITIVE 0.0006 0.0011 0.1799
zillow estimate has_property lawsuit POSITIVE 0.0006 0.0010 0.0006