Quasimodo contains 133 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
zimbabwe has_property a beautiful country POSITIVE 0.8106 0.9608 1.0000
zimbabwe print money POSITIVE 0.7665 0.9086 0.7685
zimbabwe has_property in an economic crisis POSITIVE 0.7604 0.9013 1.0000
zimbabwe has_property led POSITIVE 0.7303 0.8656 0.7303
zimbabwe be considered as a developing country POSITIVE 0.7276 0.8624 1.0000
zimbabwe has_property poor country TBC[so poor country] POSITIVE 0.6341 0.7516 0.7844
zimbabwe have a ' ministry of whats app POSITIVE 0.5529 0.6553 1.0000
zimbabwe have a record of lowest inflation rate in southern africa POSITIVE 0.5453 0.6463 1.0000
zimbabwe have $100 trillion dollar bills POSITIVE 0.5410 0.6412 1.0000
zimbabwe has_property poor TBC[so poor], TBC[poor country] POSITIVE 0.5196 0.6159 0.5196
zimbabwe have a record of high unemployment rate POSITIVE 0.5142 0.6095 1.0000
zimbabwe be in hyperinflation POSITIVE 0.4895 0.5803 1.0000
zimbabwe has_property periphery country POSITIVE 0.4656 0.5519 0.9859
zimbabwe have high unemployment rate POSITIVE 0.4334 0.5137 0.6022
zimbabwe has_property australia POSITIVE 0.4199 0.4977 0.4199
zimbabwe be expelled from world cup POSITIVE 0.4184 0.4959 1.0000
zimbabwe has_property compact state POSITIVE 0.4149 0.4917 1.0000
zimbabwe be under sanctions POSITIVE 0.4145 0.4913 1.0000
zimbabwe has_property landlocked country POSITIVE 0.4100 0.4859 0.4872
zimbabwe make money POSITIVE 0.3922 0.4648 0.3922