Quasimodo contains 8 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
chuck norri flush the toilet POSITIVE 0.1660 0.1817 0.1660
sponge bob flush the toilet POSITIVE 0.2064 0.2315 0.2064
soldier flush the toilet always POSITIVE 0.2882 0.2882 0.2882
guy flush the toilet POSITIVE 0.6615 0.6615 0.6615
nobody flush the toilet POSITIVE 0.7971 0.8016 0.7971
one train can use the toilet POSITIVE 0.4670 0.8012 1.0000
going to be enjoyable the toilet POSITIVE 0.4796 0.4796 1.0000
girl go pee facing the toilet POSITIVE 0.6205 0.6205 1.0000