Quasimodo contains 53 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
only part of has_property ryan air POSITIVE 0.3505 0.4625 0.3600
only part of has_property cycle POSITIVE 0.3857 0.5088 0.3857
only part of has_property cpu POSITIVE 0.3860 0.5092 0.3860
only part of has_property twilight POSITIVE 0.3885 0.5125 0.3885
only part of has_property html POSITIVE 0.3918 0.5169 0.3918
only part of has_property trip POSITIVE 0.3924 0.5177 0.3924
only part of has_property cyprus POSITIVE 0.3927 0.5181 0.3927
only part of has_property sleep POSITIVE 0.3959 0.5224 0.3959
only part of has_property lcm POSITIVE 0.4168 0.5499 0.4168
only part of has_body_part abdomen POSITIVE 0.4131 0.5449 0.4193
only part of has_property rna POSITIVE 0.4211 0.5556 0.4211
only part of has_property cbs POSITIVE 0.4337 0.5722 0.4337
only part of has_property array POSITIVE 0.4401 0.5806 0.4478
only part of has_property dbms POSITIVE 0.4497 0.5933 0.4560
only part of has_property match POSITIVE 0.4586 0.6051 0.4587
only part of has_property mexico POSITIVE 0.4645 0.6128 0.4645
only part of has_property hhs POSITIVE 0.4774 0.6299 0.4774
only part of has_property aorta POSITIVE 0.5004 0.6602 0.5004
only part of has_property hbo POSITIVE 0.5030 0.6635 0.5030
only part of has_property mba POSITIVE 0.5069 0.6687 0.5069