Quasimodo contains 12 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
queen 's guard wear hats TBC[big hats], some[subj/queen's guards wear big hat], some[subj/the queen's guards wear those hat], TBC[black hats], some[subj/the queen's guards wear black hat], some[subj/the queen's guards wear big hat] POSITIVE 0.0135 0.2123 0.0135
queen 's guard walk funny some[subj/queen's guards walk funn] POSITIVE 0.0161 0.2531 0.0175
queen 's guard wear grey some[subj/the queen's guards wear gre] POSITIVE 0.0139 0.2176 0.0183
queen 's guard wear black hats some[subj/the queen's guards wear black hat] POSITIVE 0.0168 0.2635 0.0203
queen 's guard wear big hats some[subj/queen's guards wear big hat], some[subj/the queen's guards wear big hat] POSITIVE 0.0176 0.2757 0.0213
queen 's guard wear bearskins some[subj/the queen's guards wear bearskin] POSITIVE 0.0206 0.3238 0.0300
queen 's guard have stand some[subj/the queen's guards have to stand stil], still, TBC[stand still] POSITIVE 0.0334 0.5241 0.0346
queen 's guard have hats TBC[so big hats], some[subj/the queen's guards have so big hat], TBC[big hats], some[subj/the queen's guards have big hat] POSITIVE 0.0442 0.6933 0.0580
queen 's guard have big hats TBC[so big hats], some[subj/the queen's guards have so big hat], some[subj/the queen's guards have big hat] POSITIVE 0.0469 0.7363 0.0588
queen 's guard go toilet some[subj/the queen's guards go toile] POSITIVE 0.0045 0.0704 0.0617
queen 's guard wear red some[subj/the queen's guards wear re] POSITIVE 0.0637 1.0000 0.0637
queen 's guard did pushes tourist POSITIVE 0.0138 0.2161 1.0000