Quasimodo contains 136 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
united states house of representatives has_property mba POSITIVE 0.3945 0.4057 0.3945
united states house of representatives has_property ice POSITIVE 0.3973 0.4086 0.3973
united states house of representatives has_body_part eye POSITIVE 0.3979 0.4093 0.3979
united states house of representatives has_property size POSITIVE 0.4092 0.4208 0.4092
united states house of representatives has_trait odds POSITIVE 0.4172 0.4290 0.4172
united states house of representatives has_property map POSITIVE 0.4238 0.4359 0.4238
united states house of representatives has_property error POSITIVE 0.4265 0.4386 0.4265
united states house of representatives has_property terms POSITIVE 0.4318 0.4440 0.4337
united states house of representatives has_property euro POSITIVE 0.4373 0.4497 0.4373
united states house of representatives has_property tv show POSITIVE 0.4406 0.4531 0.4406
united states house of representatives has_property education POSITIVE 0.4430 0.4556 0.4430
united states house of representatives has_property nigeria POSITIVE 0.4549 0.4678 0.4549
united states house of representatives has_property feast POSITIVE 0.4656 0.4788 0.4656
united states house of representatives has_property montana POSITIVE 0.4672 0.4804 0.4672
united states house of representatives has_property air POSITIVE 0.4731 0.4865 0.4731
united states house of representatives has_property edition POSITIVE 0.4788 0.4924 0.4788
united states house of representatives has_property job POSITIVE 0.4798 0.4935 0.4798
united states house of representatives has_property outlook POSITIVE 0.4815 0.4952 0.4815
united states house of representatives has_property type POSITIVE 0.4840 0.4978 0.4840
united states house of representatives has_property purpose POSITIVE 0.4841 0.4979 0.4841