Quasimodo contains 206 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
graphite used as lubricant POSITIVE 0.0910 0.0910 1.0000
graphite be used for lubricant POSITIVE 0.0056 0.0056 1.0000
condom have lubricant POSITIVE 0.0120 0.0120 1.0000
graphite be good for lubricant POSITIVE 0.3710 0.3710 1.0000
graphite be used as lubricant TBC[dry lubricant], TBC[solid lubricant] POSITIVE 0.9800 0.9801 1.0000
viscosity important be in lubricant POSITIVE 0.0074 0.0083 1.0000
boric acid be used as lubricant POSITIVE 0.9535 0.9711 0.9729
juul pod has_property lubricant POSITIVE 0.9379 0.9527 0.9380
jolly rancher has_property lubricant POSITIVE 0.8198 0.8400 0.8199
shredder has_property lubricant POSITIVE 0.8099 0.8776 0.8100
plastic water bottle has_property lubricant POSITIVE 0.7798 0.8008 0.7799
raccoon has_property lubricant POSITIVE 0.7675 0.7675 0.7676
over-the-counter medicine has_property lubricant POSITIVE 0.7606 0.8211 0.7607
succulent has_property lubricant POSITIVE 0.7538 0.7538 0.7539
hard drive has_property lubricant POSITIVE 0.7526 0.7526 0.7527
essential oil has_property lubricant POSITIVE 0.7384 0.7819 0.7385
hedgehog has_property lubricant POSITIVE 0.7172 0.7173 0.7173
mice has_property lubricant POSITIVE 0.7147 0.7147 0.7148
water has_property lubricant TBC[such bad lubricant], TBC[such terrible lubricant], TBC[such poor lubricant] POSITIVE 0.7102 0.7102 0.7103
salt crystal has_property lubricant POSITIVE 0.6990 0.7383 0.6991