Quasimodo contains 117 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
park has_property notable POSITIVE 0.7375 0.7375 1.0000
australopithecus afarensis has_property notable POSITIVE 0.5428 0.7561 0.7361
runyon has_property notable POSITIVE 0.4175 0.8493 0.5661
soc has_property notable POSITIVE 0.3942 0.3983 0.5345
subatomic particle has_property notable POSITIVE 0.3508 0.3644 0.4757
joseph stalin be notable POSITIVE 0.3002 0.3003 0.4070
whitney houston has_property notable POSITIVE 0.2970 0.3698 0.4027
jackie robinson has_property notable POSITIVE 0.2303 0.2620 0.3122
thomas jefferson has_property notable POSITIVE 0.2069 0.2177 0.2806
johnny depp has_property notable POSITIVE 0.1962 0.1963 0.2661
amelia earhart be notable POSITIVE 0.1933 0.2047 0.2621
jesse owens has_property notable POSITIVE 0.1880 0.2744 0.2549
princess diana has_property notable POSITIVE 0.1760 0.1760 0.2386
mary mcleod bethune has_property notable POSITIVE 0.1646 0.2938 0.2231
ben franklin has_property notable POSITIVE 0.0997 0.0997 0.1352
citizen kane has_property notable POSITIVE 0.0867 0.1012 0.1176
stray cat has_property notable POSITIVE 0.0835 0.0842 0.1132
anne frank has_property notable POSITIVE 0.0688 0.0834 0.0933
magnetic field line has_property notable POSITIVE 0.0187 0.0187 0.0253
crescent moon has_property notable POSITIVE 0.0185 0.0191 0.0251