Quasimodo contains 49 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
exchange traded fund has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.8667 0.9127 1.0000
volleyball become very popular POSITIVE 0.2606 0.2606 1.0000
counter strike can be very popular POSITIVE 0.4499 0.4500 1.0000
oracle database be are becoming very popular POSITIVE 0.3190 1.0000 1.0000
ice cream truck has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.8166 0.8167 0.9422
currency exchange rate has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.7790 0.8677 0.8988
interest rate swap has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.7568 0.9105 0.8731
dating site has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.7155 0.8385 0.8256
disney film has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.7018 0.8315 0.8097
horror film has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.6757 0.6761 0.7795
nutcracker has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.6626 0.6865 0.7644
earring back has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.6118 0.8422 0.7058
american sign language has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.6023 0.8482 0.6949
boy band has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.5992 0.6546 0.6913
ukulele string has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.5943 0.7053 0.6856
synoptic gospels has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.5934 0.8113 0.6846
kindle book has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.5703 0.5703 0.6579
music note has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.5675 0.6529 0.6547
seven wonders of the world has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.5652 0.5667 0.6521
nokia phone has_property very popular POSITIVE 0.5507 1.0000 0.6353