Quasimodo contains 39 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
demand be on x axis POSITIVE 0.3048 0.3048 1.0000
entropy change has_property x axis POSITIVE 0.2651 0.4347 1.0000
mass go on x axis POSITIVE 0.0130 0.0130 1.0000
force be plotted on x axis POSITIVE 0.0038 0.0038 1.0000
quantity be demanded on x axis POSITIVE 0.0029 0.0038 1.0000
dependent variable be plotted on x axis POSITIVE 0.0031 0.0036 0.8023
independent variable go on x axis POSITIVE 0.0093 0.0096 0.7170
independent variable be plotted on x axis POSITIVE 0.0026 0.0027 0.6851
time go on x axis POSITIVE 0.0088 0.0088 0.6777
variable go on x axis some[subj/independent] POSITIVE 0.0077 0.0080 0.5875
time be on x axis TBC[usually x axis], TBC[always x axis], always POSITIVE 0.0302 0.0302 0.0993
volume be plotted on x axis POSITIVE 0.0002 0.0002 0.0616
louis has_property x axis POSITIVE 0.0163 0.0163 0.0616
professor has_property x axis POSITIVE 0.0162 0.0162 0.0612
gen has_property x axis POSITIVE 0.0115 0.0117 0.0432
co be on x axis POSITIVE 0.0075 0.0075 0.0247
independent variable be on x axis TBC[always x axis], always POSITIVE 0.0074 0.0077 0.0244
density change has_property x axis POSITIVE 0.0060 0.0061 0.0226
force be on x axis POSITIVE 0.0062 0.0062 0.0204
resistance change has_property x axis POSITIVE 0.0051 0.0092 0.0192