Quasimodo contains 60 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
advertizing be important row POSITIVE 0.0043 0.0047 1.0000
advertizing have important orders POSITIVE 0.4000 0.4439 1.0000
advertizing have important ideas POSITIVE 0.6117 0.6789 0.9104
advertizing has_property nj POSITIVE 0.9009 1.0000 0.9009
advertizing has_property uk POSITIVE 0.8672 0.9626 0.8672
advertizing has_place out POSITIVE 0.8645 0.9595 0.8645
advertizing has_property asap POSITIVE 0.7201 0.7993 0.8405
advertizing has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.7887 0.8754 0.7887
advertizing has_property nyc POSITIVE 0.7863 0.8728 0.7863
advertizing has_property ipv6 POSITIVE 0.7247 0.8045 0.7750
advertizing be illegal in uk POSITIVE 0.7750 0.8602 0.7750
advertizing has_property available POSITIVE 0.7690 0.8536 0.7690
advertizing has_property aol POSITIVE 0.7421 0.8238 0.7421
advertizing has_property ads POSITIVE 0.7371 0.8181 0.7371
advertizing has_property ionic POSITIVE 0.7360 0.8169 0.7360
advertizing has_property iq POSITIVE 0.7346 0.8154 0.7346
advertizing has_property sovereignty POSITIVE 0.3421 0.3798 0.7312
advertizing has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.7262 0.8061 0.7262
advertizing has_property is important POSITIVE 0.7177 0.7966 0.7236
advertizing has_property accurate POSITIVE 0.6999 0.7769 0.6999