Quasimodo contains 261 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
atomic mass has_property oil POSITIVE 0.3116 0.3116 nan
atomic mass has_property related some[subj/mass number and] POSITIVE 0.6054 0.6054 nan
atomic mass has_property a written as a decimal POSITIVE 0.3885 0.3885 1.0000
atomic mass has_property usually in fraction POSITIVE 0.3681 0.3681 1.0000
atomic mass be calculated first POSITIVE 0.4431 0.4431 1.0000
atomic mass be calculated for elements on the periodic table POSITIVE 0.4032 0.4032 1.0000
atomic mass be taken as average value POSITIVE 0.4383 0.4383 1.0000
atomic mass have decimals some[subj/some], some[subj/relative], some[subj/all] POSITIVE 0.8903 0.8903 1.0000
atomic mass has_property periodic table POSITIVE 0.5215 0.5215 1.0000
atomic mass compare to protons electrons POSITIVE 0.3833 0.3833 1.0000
atomic mass can be a decimal POSITIVE 0.9350 0.9350 1.0000
atomic mass has_property fractional POSITIVE 0.4880 0.4880 1.0000
atomic mass be represented on the periodic table POSITIVE 0.4788 0.4788 1.0000
atomic mass compare for helium POSITIVE 0.5778 0.5778 1.0000
atomic mass be based on carbon 12 POSITIVE 0.4114 0.4114 1.0000
atomic mass has_property significant to calculating percentage yield POSITIVE 0.4951 0.4951 1.0000
atomic mass be related to isotopes POSITIVE 0.5392 0.5392 1.0000
atomic mass be determined on the periodic table POSITIVE 0.5298 0.5298 1.0000
atomic mass relate to the mole POSITIVE 0.6848 0.6848 1.0000
atomic mass be different from mass number POSITIVE 0.3626 0.3626 1.0000