Quasimodo contains 561 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
chemistry has_property iud important POSITIVE 0.0053 0.0054 nan
chemistry has_property related POSITIVE 0.9459 0.9620 nan
chemistry be known as central science POSITIVE 0.8167 0.8306 1.0000
chemistry can be found in a grocery store POSITIVE 0.8413 0.8556 1.0000
chemistry be considered as science TBC[central science] POSITIVE 0.9833 1.0000 1.0000
chemistry has_property important to the life of a human being POSITIVE 0.8507 0.8652 1.0000
chemistry be used by a psychiatrist POSITIVE 0.8260 0.8400 1.0000
chemistry relate to physics POSITIVE 0.9631 0.9794 1.0000
chemistry be related to cooking POSITIVE 0.9773 0.9939 1.0000
chemistry be used in a crime POSITIVE 0.8424 0.8567 1.0000
chemistry can be found in a supermarket POSITIVE 0.9107 0.9261 1.0000
chemistry has_property important in the study of biology POSITIVE 0.9004 0.9158 1.0000
chemistry help us increase the production of crops POSITIVE 0.8564 0.8709 1.0000
chemistry be related to nursing POSITIVE 0.8913 0.9064 1.0000
chemistry involve math POSITIVE 0.8120 0.8259 1.0000
chemistry related to living things POSITIVE 0.8818 0.8968 1.0000
chemistry relate to everyday life POSITIVE 0.8675 0.8823 1.0000
chemistry interact with POSITIVE 0.8702 0.8850 1.0000
chemistry be described as the central science POSITIVE 0.8754 0.8903 1.0000
chemistry be different from biology POSITIVE 0.8111 0.8249 1.0000