Quasimodo contains 24 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
each state be presidential electors chosen POSITIVE 0.1631 0.1698 1.0000
each state be governed in the united states POSITIVE 0.8055 0.8385 1.0000
each state has_property 's representation in the senate POSITIVE 0.3670 0.3820 1.0000
each state be supposed to be represented with the great compromise POSITIVE 0.3356 0.3494 1.0000
each state be electoral votes divided POSITIVE 0.1994 0.2075 1.0000
each state stand on provocation as a defense POSITIVE 0.1939 0.2019 1.0000
each state have two senators only POSITIVE 0.9606 1.0000 1.0000
each state be represented in the house of representatives POSITIVE 0.7539 0.7848 1.0000
each state have a capital POSITIVE 0.7333 0.7634 1.0000
each state get two senators POSITIVE 0.7264 0.7562 1.0000
each state have a different ballot POSITIVE 0.7178 0.7473 1.0000
each state have a different number of representatives POSITIVE 0.6673 0.6947 1.0000
each state have own constitution POSITIVE 0.6137 0.6389 1.0000
each state have own flag POSITIVE 0.5730 0.5965 1.0000
each state have the same number of senators POSITIVE 0.5078 0.5287 1.0000
each state be represented in congress POSITIVE 0.4651 0.4842 1.0000
each state get one vote POSITIVE 0.4620 0.4810 1.0000
each state have a governor who represents the british monarch POSITIVE 0.4587 0.4775 1.0000
each state be supposed to be represented according to the great compromise POSITIVE 0.4448 0.4631 1.0000
each state have 2 senators only POSITIVE 0.7669 0.7984 0.9630