Quasimodo contains 52 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
fibrosis patient have six feet apart some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0264 0.8224 0.9139
fibrosis patient have five feet apart some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0251 0.7816 0.9138
fibrosis patient need stay apart some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0259 0.8055 0.8711
fibrosis patient have stay away some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0233 0.7266 0.8707
fibrosis patient have apart some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0157 0.4887 0.8697
fibrosis patient have stay apart some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0259 0.8081 0.8353
fibrosis patient be at risk for infection some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0198 0.6171 0.8177
fibrosis patient stay apart five feet some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0228 0.7115 0.7819
fibrosis patient have avoid some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0167 0.5203 0.7551
fibrosis patient stay apart 5 feet some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0247 0.7677 0.6950
fibrosis patient have 6 feet apart some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0245 0.7635 0.6569
fibrosis patient have stay TBC[stay apart], some[subj/cystic], TBC[stay away] POSITIVE 0.0228 0.7091 0.5897
fibrosis patient have 5 feet apart some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0272 0.8472 0.5891
fibrosis patient take creon some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0016 0.0503 0.5757
fibrosis patient stay apart 6 feet some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0189 0.5887 0.4714
fibrosis patient need 6 feet apart some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0080 0.2506 0.4091
fibrosis patient get lung infections some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0321 1.0000 0.0403
fibrosis patient has_property six feet apart some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0255 0.7938 0.0329
fibrosis patient has_property five feet apart some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0242 0.7544 0.0317
fibrosis patient has_property 6 feet apart some[subj/cystic] POSITIVE 0.0246 0.7676 0.0314