Quasimodo contains 105 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
huntington's disease change a person's life POSITIVE 0.8822 0.9368 1.0000
huntington's disease occur later in life POSITIVE 0.9417 1.0000 1.0000
huntington's disease have a late onset POSITIVE 0.7601 0.8071 1.0000
huntington's disease has_property different from parkinson's POSITIVE 0.3877 0.4117 1.0000
huntington's disease have a heritability ratio of 1.0 POSITIVE 0.2169 0.2304 1.0000
huntington's disease passed through families POSITIVE 0.5986 0.6356 1.0000
huntington's disease be called the devil's disease POSITIVE 0.5951 0.6319 1.0000
huntington's disease be passed through families POSITIVE 0.5101 0.5417 1.0000
huntington's disease has_property an unusual disorder POSITIVE 0.5543 0.5885 1.0000
huntington's disease appear later in life POSITIVE 0.8619 0.9152 1.0000
huntington's disease has_property more common in europe POSITIVE 0.8559 0.9089 1.0000
huntington's disease be detected before birth POSITIVE 0.4778 0.5074 1.0000
huntington's disease affect the quality of life POSITIVE 0.8863 0.9412 1.0000
huntington's disease affect the muscular system POSITIVE 0.6884 0.7309 1.0000
huntington's disease affect the spinal cord POSITIVE 0.8397 0.8917 1.0000
huntington's disease affect the basal ganglia POSITIVE 0.8779 0.9322 0.9985
huntington's disease affect the mitochondria POSITIVE 0.9078 0.9640 0.9731
huntington's disease affect genes POSITIVE 0.7115 0.7555 0.9681
huntington's disease affect the nervous system POSITIVE 0.7855 0.8341 0.9607
huntington's disease persist in the human population POSITIVE 0.8962 0.9516 0.9491