Quasimodo contains 129 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
matrix be similar to table POSITIVE 0.0070 0.0073 1.0000
matrix differ from data frame POSITIVE 0.0070 0.0073 1.0000
matrix relate to bone some[subj/extracellular] POSITIVE 0.0122 0.0127 1.0000
matrix have real eigenvalues some[subj/a symmetric] POSITIVE 0.0217 0.0226 1.0000
matrix define the type of connective tissue POSITIVE 0.1241 0.1294 1.0000
matrix has_property multiplication n TBC[multiplication n ^] POSITIVE 0.0101 0.0105 1.0000
matrix has_property multiplication linear POSITIVE 0.0519 0.0541 1.0000
matrix has_property extracellular POSITIVE 0.1210 0.1262 1.0000
matrix has_property arithmetic associative POSITIVE 0.0360 0.0375 1.0000
matrix have square TBC[square to within inverse matrix] POSITIVE 0.0868 0.0905 1.0000
matrix have infinitely many solutions POSITIVE 0.6214 0.6480 1.0000
matrix has_property hermitian POSITIVE 0.1895 0.1976 1.0000
matrix be any faster POSITIVE 0.2170 0.2263 1.0000
matrix be called a matrix POSITIVE 0.2661 0.2775 1.0000
matrix have unique solution POSITIVE 0.6050 0.6309 1.0000
matrix reloaded end POSITIVE 0.2746 0.2863 1.0000
matrix has_property similar to a table POSITIVE 0.8648 0.9018 1.0000
matrix led headlights POSITIVE 0.4029 0.4201 1.0000
matrix has_property square to have an inverse POSITIVE 0.7001 0.7301 1.0000
matrix be used in 3d computer graphics POSITIVE 0.0050 0.0052 1.0000