Quasimodo contains 50 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
going to church has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.7797 1.0000 0.8007
reading fiction has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.7349 1.0000 0.7547
yard sale has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.7713 1.0000 0.7921
unit testing has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.8105 1.0000 0.8323
graduate school has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.8269 1.0000 0.8492
watching television has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.7745 1.0000 0.7953
being sad has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.9656 0.9679 0.9916
lesson plan has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.7753 0.9493 0.7962
video game has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.9217 0.9217 0.9466
playing game has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.8251 0.8984 0.8473
martial art has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.8562 0.8963 0.8792
playing video game has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.8669 0.8903 0.8903
relationship has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.8593 0.8593 0.8825
plenty of fish has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.7968 0.8582 0.8183
high school has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.8571 0.8571 0.8802
art has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.8462 0.8519 0.8690
business plan has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.8446 0.8477 0.8674
girl has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.8450 0.8450 0.8677
going to school has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.8340 0.8395 0.8565
pilgrimage has_property a waste of time POSITIVE 0.7679 0.8358 0.7886