Quasimodo contains 33 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
baby have big bellies POSITIVE 0.9851 0.9851 1.0000
puppy have big bellies TBC[such big bellies] POSITIVE 0.9576 0.9576 0.9720
some toddler have big bellies POSITIVE 0.8858 0.8858 0.8992
pygmy goat have big bellies POSITIVE 0.8154 0.8720 0.8277
goat have big bellies TBC[so big bellies] POSITIVE 0.8532 0.8532 0.8660
alcoholic have big bellies POSITIVE 0.8298 0.8298 0.8423
male cat have big bellies POSITIVE 0.8267 0.8267 0.8392
heavy drinker have big bellies POSITIVE 0.8226 0.8226 0.8350
weightlifter have big bellies POSITIVE 0.7719 0.8062 0.7836
bodybuilder have big bellies some[subj/some] POSITIVE 0.7911 0.7911 0.8031
betta fish get big bellies POSITIVE 0.7889 0.7889 1.0000
newborn have big bellies TBC[so big bellies] POSITIVE 0.7866 0.7866 0.7985
goldfish get big bellies POSITIVE 0.7819 0.7819 0.9911
bodybuilder get big bellies POSITIVE 0.7726 0.7726 0.9793
diabetic have big bellies POSITIVE 0.7720 0.7720 0.7837
drinker have big bellies some[subj/heavy] POSITIVE 0.7595 0.7662 0.7709
some goat have big bellies POSITIVE 0.7526 0.7526 0.7639
orangutan have big bellies POSITIVE 0.7485 0.7485 0.7598
cyclist have big bellies POSITIVE 0.7406 0.7406 0.7517
truck driver have big bellies POSITIVE 0.7039 0.7039 0.7145