Quasimodo contains 14 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
nuclear power plant has_property by the sea POSITIVE 0.9501 0.9603 1.0000
nuclear power station be built by the sea POSITIVE 0.9433 0.9433 1.0000
cavalier has_property by the sea POSITIVE 0.8700 0.9399 0.9157
manchester be not by the sea POSITIVE 0.9013 0.9013 1.0000
sand has_property by the sea POSITIVE 0.8682 0.8683 0.9139
power station be built by the sea POSITIVE 0.8567 0.8567 0.9082
limestone be eroded by the sea POSITIVE 0.8226 0.8351 1.0000
sculpturer has_property by the sea POSITIVE 0.6016 0.8111 0.6332
golf course has_property by the sea POSITIVE 0.7183 0.7241 0.7560
bird's nest fern has_property by the sea POSITIVE 0.6133 0.6870 0.6455
manchester be good by the sea POSITIVE 0.6569 0.6569 1.0000
greek culture be affected by the sea POSITIVE 0.3972 0.6303 1.0000
manchester be sad by the sea POSITIVE 0.5477 0.5478 1.0000
cliff be formed by the sea POSITIVE 0.2292 0.2359 1.0000