Quasimodo contains 225 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
kyphosus can exercises POSITIVE 0.0127 1.0000 0.0128
bilaterality has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.0007 0.9334 0.0007
brai has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.0011 0.8912 0.0011
symphysis can exercises POSITIVE 0.0065 0.8578 0.0065
squat be the king of exercises POSITIVE 0.8210 0.8509 1.0000
pulsing has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.7452 0.7927 0.7453
heel spur has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.6294 0.7542 0.6294
compound sentence has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.5638 0.6989 0.5638
kyphosis has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.4199 0.6671 0.4199
pectoral has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.4412 0.6592 0.4412
scapula has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.3835 0.6334 0.3835
rephrasing has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.5884 0.6315 0.5884
divarication can exercises POSITIVE 0.0052 0.6288 0.0052
are has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.5852 0.5852 0.5852
plucking has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.5180 0.5738 0.5180
trythra has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.0005 0.5556 0.0005
lower back has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.5250 0.5450 0.5250
pylo has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.0008 0.5244 0.0008
sternocleidomastoid can exercises POSITIVE 0.0142 0.5223 0.0143
tunnel syndrome has_property exercises POSITIVE 0.2980 0.5131 0.2980