Quasimodo contains 57 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
bananas wear sunscreen POSITIVE 0.8594 0.8594 1.0000
sunblock be different from sunscreen POSITIVE 0.8485 0.8488 1.0000
bananas use sunscreen POSITIVE 0.8221 0.8221 1.0000
bananas need sunscreen POSITIVE 0.7925 0.7925 0.8080
oxybenzone be bad in sunscreen POSITIVE 0.6049 0.7921 1.0000
bananas put on sunscreen POSITIVE 0.6794 0.6794 1.0000
zinc be good for sunscreen POSITIVE 0.5182 0.5182 1.0000
beeswax be in sunscreen POSITIVE 0.5138 0.5138 1.0000
titanium dioxide be used in sunscreen POSITIVE 0.4730 0.4791 1.0000
zinc oxide be important in sunscreen POSITIVE 0.4506 0.4633 1.0000
titanium be in sunscreen POSITIVE 0.4617 0.4618 0.8986
paba be used in sunscreen POSITIVE 0.1066 0.4593 0.2253
spf be determined in sunscreen POSITIVE 0.3314 0.4007 1.0000
zinc oxide be in sunscreen POSITIVE 0.3764 0.3870 0.7325
nanotechnology be used in sunscreen POSITIVE 0.3121 0.3285 0.6597
zinc oxide be used in sunscreen POSITIVE 0.2848 0.2928 0.6021
oxybenzone be used in sunscreen POSITIVE 0.1669 0.2185 0.3528
oxybenzone be in sunscreen POSITIVE 0.1491 0.1952 0.2902
human need sunscreen POSITIVE 0.1787 0.1787 0.1822
chemical be in sunscreen POSITIVE 0.0440 0.0450 0.0856