Quasimodo contains 69 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
icloud backing be to icloud POSITIVE 0.0081 1.0000 1.0000
icloud backing has_property pro POSITIVE 0.0056 0.6915 0.0056
icloud backing has_property flash POSITIVE 0.0046 0.5640 0.0046
icloud backing has_property typing POSITIVE 0.0046 0.5640 0.0046
icloud backing has_property mtv POSITIVE 0.0046 0.5640 0.0046
icloud backing has_property shortcut POSITIVE 0.0045 0.5497 0.0065
icloud backing has_property nvidia POSITIVE 0.0043 0.5266 0.0043
icloud backing has_property sgt POSITIVE 0.0043 0.5266 0.0043
icloud backing has_property sql POSITIVE 0.0043 0.5266 0.0043
icloud backing has_property ssh POSITIVE 0.0043 0.5266 0.0043
icloud backing has_property tbs POSITIVE 0.0043 0.5266 0.0043
icloud backing has_property tsp POSITIVE 0.0043 0.5266 0.0043
icloud backing has_property mnc POSITIVE 0.0043 0.5266 0.0043
icloud backing has_property ntp POSITIVE 0.0043 0.5266 0.0043
icloud backing has_property mri POSITIVE 0.0043 0.5266 0.0043
icloud backing has_property nbn POSITIVE 0.0043 0.5266 0.0043
icloud backing has_property toilet POSITIVE 0.0043 0.5266 0.0052
icloud backing has_property macbook POSITIVE 0.0043 0.5266 0.0043
icloud backing has_property typography POSITIVE 0.0043 0.5266 0.0043
icloud backing has_property mp3 files POSITIVE 0.0042 0.5211 1.0000