Quasimodo contains 90 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
lock symbol has_property in the address bar POSITIVE 0.6094 0.6572 1.0000
lock symbol be on twitter POSITIVE 0.5293 0.5708 0.7008
lock symbol has_place off POSITIVE 0.5035 0.5430 0.5035
lock symbol has_place out POSITIVE 0.4884 0.5268 0.4884
lock symbol has_property available POSITIVE 0.4514 0.4869 0.4514
lock symbol has_trait transparent POSITIVE 0.4278 0.4613 0.4278
lock symbol be on amazon prime POSITIVE 0.4145 0.4470 0.4145
lock symbol has_property other POSITIVE 0.3782 0.4079 0.3782
lock symbol has_time old POSITIVE 0.3740 0.4034 0.3740
lock symbol be on url POSITIVE 0.3477 0.3750 1.0000
lock symbol has_time older POSITIVE 0.3432 0.3702 0.3432
lock symbol has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.3382 0.3647 0.3382
lock symbol has_property at POSITIVE 0.3367 0.3632 0.3367
lock symbol has_property top POSITIVE 0.3310 0.3570 0.3310
lock symbol has_trait odd POSITIVE 0.3121 0.3366 0.3121
lock symbol be on instagram POSITIVE 0.3111 0.3356 0.3111
lock symbol has_property mvp POSITIVE 0.3083 0.3325 0.3083
lock symbol has_property mri POSITIVE 0.3065 0.3306 0.3065
lock symbol has_property text POSITIVE 0.3057 0.3297 0.3057
lock symbol has_property multiple POSITIVE 0.2808 0.3028 0.2808