Quasimodo contains 80 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
steal has_property bulletproof POSITIVE 0.9491 1.0000 0.9493
steal has_property nyc POSITIVE 0.9483 0.9992 0.9483
steal has_property mfg POSITIVE 0.9157 0.9649 0.9157
steal has_property crossword POSITIVE 0.9125 0.9614 0.9125
steal has_effect itchy POSITIVE 0.9040 0.9525 0.9040
steal has_place away POSITIVE 0.8942 0.9422 0.8942
steal has_effect poisonous POSITIVE 0.8902 0.9380 0.8902
steal has_property alive POSITIVE 0.8785 0.9256 0.8785
steal has_property uganda POSITIVE 0.8762 0.9232 0.8762
steal has_property isotropic POSITIVE 0.8728 0.9197 1.0000
steal has_property mtg POSITIVE 0.8588 0.9048 0.8588
steal has_property czech POSITIVE 0.8581 0.9041 0.8581
steal has_property bbc POSITIVE 0.8501 0.8957 0.8501
steal has_color azure POSITIVE 0.8431 0.8883 0.8431
steal has_property slag POSITIVE 0.8311 0.8757 1.0000
steal has_property acidic POSITIVE 0.8064 0.8497 0.8064
steal has_property credit POSITIVE 0.7672 0.8083 0.7672
steal has_property porous POSITIVE 0.7651 0.8062 0.8293
steal has_property mpg POSITIVE 0.7058 0.7436 0.7058
steal have age of 6 year old POSITIVE 0.6935 0.7307 1.0000