Quasimodo contains 1937 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
business can fail POSITIVE 0.9980 0.9980 0.9980
business need website some[subj/small] POSITIVE 0.9952 0.9952 1.0000
business make money POSITIVE 0.9924 0.9925 0.9924
business use social media POSITIVE 0.9899 0.9899 0.9899
business compete with each other POSITIVE 0.9855 0.9855 0.9892
business pay tax TBC[quarterly taxes], some[subj/good] POSITIVE 0.9854 0.9854 0.9854
business make profit TBC[profit from gftcards] POSITIVE 0.9810 0.9810 0.9810
business help economy some[subj/small] POSITIVE 0.9769 0.9769 1.0000
business keep records TBC[financial records], TBC[permanent records of transactions] POSITIVE 0.9734 0.9734 1.0000
business benefit from the use of a computer network POSITIVE 0.9712 0.9712 1.0000
business use blackberry POSITIVE 0.9684 0.9684 1.0000
business use instagram some[subj/many] POSITIVE 0.9647 0.9647 0.9817
business become successful POSITIVE 0.9645 0.9645 1.0000
business use email POSITIVE 0.9638 0.9638 0.9638
business want to make a profit POSITIVE 0.9583 0.9583 1.0000
business want to grow POSITIVE 0.9576 0.9576 1.0000
business behave unethically POSITIVE 0.9567 0.9567 1.0000
business give back to the community POSITIVE 0.9542 0.9542 0.9655
business fail uk some[subj/small] POSITIVE 0.9503 0.9503 1.0000
business want to expand POSITIVE 0.9501 0.9501 1.0000