Quasimodo contains 188 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
cinderella win the olympics never POSITIVE 0.9646 0.9646 1.0000
cinderella has_property in the middle always POSITIVE 0.9177 0.9177 0.9177
cinderella be home by midnight POSITIVE 0.8634 0.8634 1.0000
cinderella run from the prince POSITIVE 0.8440 0.8440 1.0000
cinderella wear blue POSITIVE 0.8330 0.8331 0.8330
cinderella has_property princess TBC[main princess], TBC[best princess] POSITIVE 0.8113 0.8113 0.8113
cinderella wear glass slippers POSITIVE 0.8067 0.8067 1.0000
cinderella turn into a pumpkin POSITIVE 0.7313 0.7313 1.0000
cinderella related to frozen POSITIVE 0.7212 0.7212 1.0000
cinderella has_property the best POSITIVE 0.6969 0.6969 0.7014
cinderella have glass slipper POSITIVE 0.6423 0.6423 1.0000
cinderella has_property good fairy tale POSITIVE 0.6339 0.6339 1.0000
cinderella has_property hero POSITIVE 0.6282 0.6282 0.6282
cinderella wear blue dress POSITIVE 0.6208 0.6208 1.0000
cinderella has_place away POSITIVE 0.6096 0.6096 0.6096
cinderella has_property no good at football POSITIVE 0.6035 0.6036 1.0000
cinderella wear black choker POSITIVE 0.6015 0.6015 1.0000
cinderella be thrown off POSITIVE 0.5993 0.5993 0.9864
cinderella has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.5970 0.5970 0.5970
cinderella has_property bad TBC[bad role model], TBC[bad soccer player], TBC[such bad basketball player] POSITIVE 0.5923 0.5923 0.5923