Quasimodo contains 115 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
creditors use financial statements some[subj/investors and] POSITIVE 0.9517 1.0000 1.0000
creditors decide who to sue POSITIVE 0.9077 0.9538 1.0000
creditors make money POSITIVE 0.8834 0.9282 0.8834
creditors has_property uk POSITIVE 0.8608 0.9045 0.8608
creditors get money from an estate POSITIVE 0.8574 0.9008 1.0000
creditors get paid POSITIVE 0.8533 0.8966 0.8533
creditors need to be protected POSITIVE 0.8141 0.8554 0.8370
creditors influence a business POSITIVE 0.8138 0.8551 0.8419
creditors report to credit bureaus POSITIVE 0.8028 0.8435 0.9365
creditors use accounting information TBC[financial accounting information] POSITIVE 0.8003 0.8409 0.8448
creditors find out about an estate POSITIVE 0.7739 0.8131 1.0000
creditors find out someone dies POSITIVE 0.7705 0.8095 1.0000
creditors find bank accounts to levy POSITIVE 0.7191 0.7556 1.0000
creditors has_property ugly POSITIVE 0.6948 0.7300 0.6948
creditors has_property valid POSITIVE 0.6879 0.7228 0.6879
creditors find out about inheritance POSITIVE 0.6674 0.7012 1.0000
creditors find out where i work POSITIVE 0.6535 0.6867 0.8919
creditors determine someone's credit history POSITIVE 0.6331 0.6652 1.0000
creditors get paid after death POSITIVE 0.6136 0.6447 0.7670
creditors has_property urban POSITIVE 0.6058 0.6365 0.6058