Quasimodo contains 114 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
girl scout sell cookies TBC[unhealthy cookies], always POSITIVE 0.9999 1.0000 1.0000
girl scout get cookies POSITIVE 0.9027 0.9027 1.0000
girl scout salute the flag POSITIVE 0.8815 0.8815 0.8815
girl scout have separate scouts POSITIVE 0.8797 0.8797 1.0000
girl scout has_property cookies some[subj/weed called] POSITIVE 0.8492 0.8493 0.8559
girl scout has_property different POSITIVE 0.8434 0.8434 0.8434
girl scout has_place down POSITIVE 0.7664 0.7665 0.7664
girl scout be important to the community POSITIVE 0.7346 0.7346 0.7633
girl scout use three fingers POSITIVE 0.7322 0.7322 1.0000
girl scout has_color blue POSITIVE 0.7277 0.7278 0.7277
girl scout has_property bmw POSITIVE 0.7251 0.7252 0.7251
girl scout has_property bad POSITIVE 0.7219 0.7220 0.7219
girl scout sue boy scouts POSITIVE 0.7104 0.7104 1.0000
girl scout wear uniforms POSITIVE 0.6957 0.6958 0.6957
girl scout be called brownies some[subj/little] POSITIVE 0.6910 0.6910 1.0000
girl scout make world better place POSITIVE 0.6891 0.6892 0.7155
girl scout take boy scouts to court POSITIVE 0.6571 0.6571 1.0000
girl scout has_manner better POSITIVE 0.6454 0.6454 0.6454
girl scout has_color black POSITIVE 0.6418 0.6418 0.6418
girl scout has_property dna POSITIVE 0.6209 0.6209 0.6209