Quasimodo contains 664 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
item get lost in the mail POSITIVE 0.8859 0.8986 0.9022
item has_property cheap TBC[so cheap] POSITIVE 0.8799 0.8925 0.8799
item get flagged POSITIVE 0.8768 0.8894 0.9133
item be more expensive on instacart POSITIVE 0.8569 0.8692 1.0000
item has_property mnemonic POSITIVE 0.8214 0.8332 0.8214
item has_place away POSITIVE 0.8081 0.8197 0.8081
item disappear from iphone calendar POSITIVE 0.7829 0.7942 0.8182
item has_property lgbt POSITIVE 0.7771 0.7883 0.7771
item freeze in the refrigerator POSITIVE 0.7715 0.7826 0.7810
item has_property nyc POSITIVE 0.7673 0.7783 0.7673
item has_property vhdl POSITIVE 0.7664 0.7774 0.7664
item disappear from ebay POSITIVE 0.7651 0.7761 1.0000
item go on sale POSITIVE 0.7638 0.7748 0.7638
item be priced at 99p POSITIVE 0.7588 0.7697 0.8967
item has_property aztec POSITIVE 0.7475 0.7583 0.7475
item has_property gnome POSITIVE 0.7439 0.7545 0.7439
item be in the supermarket POSITIVE 0.7386 0.7492 1.0000
item has_property uk POSITIVE 0.7377 0.7483 0.7377
item has_property fwd POSITIVE 0.7340 0.7445 0.7340
item has_property hmrc POSITIVE 0.7275 0.7379 0.7275