Quasimodo contains 171 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
pharmaceutical cost more in the us POSITIVE 0.9579 1.0000 1.0000
pharmaceutical has_property illegal in the uk POSITIVE 0.9203 0.9608 0.9203
pharmaceutical has_property is important POSITIVE 0.9055 0.9453 0.9129
pharmaceutical has_color yellow POSITIVE 0.9011 0.9407 0.9011
pharmaceutical has_property identical POSITIVE 0.8596 0.8974 0.8596
pharmaceutical be priced in the us POSITIVE 0.8411 0.8781 1.0000
pharmaceutical has_property inc POSITIVE 0.8261 0.8624 0.8261
pharmaceutical has_property ideal POSITIVE 0.7843 0.8188 0.7843
pharmaceutical has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.7674 0.8012 0.7674
pharmaceutical has_property more expensive in the us POSITIVE 0.7569 0.7902 0.7989
pharmaceutical get named POSITIVE 0.7479 0.7808 0.7480
pharmaceutical has_property uk POSITIVE 0.7318 0.7640 0.7318
pharmaceutical has_property italy POSITIVE 0.7316 0.7637 0.7316
pharmaceutical has_trait good POSITIVE 0.7167 0.7482 0.7167
pharmaceutical has_property oyster POSITIVE 0.7137 0.7451 0.7137
pharmaceutical has_property ireland POSITIVE 0.7094 0.7406 0.7094
pharmaceutical lay eggs POSITIVE 0.6974 0.7281 0.6975
pharmaceutical has_property effective POSITIVE 0.6822 0.7122 0.6822
pharmaceutical has_effect itchy POSITIVE 0.6821 0.7121 0.6821
pharmaceutical has_property irritated POSITIVE 0.6663 0.6956 0.6663