Quasimodo contains 155 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
yawn has_property contagious TBC[visually contagious], TBC[so contagious], only, sometimes, TBC[seemingly contagious], TBC[only sometimes contagious], TBC[sometimes contagious], TBC[literally contagious] POSITIVE 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
yawn feel good TBC[so good], some[subj/a good old stretch and] POSITIVE 0.9823 0.9823 0.9823
yawn has_property infectious TBC[so infectious] POSITIVE 0.9296 0.9296 0.9351
yawn has_property catchy TBC[so catchy] POSITIVE 0.8911 0.8911 0.9353
yawn get passed on POSITIVE 0.7342 0.7342 0.7800
yawn has_property com POSITIVE 0.6519 0.6519 0.6519
yawn be cut short sometimes POSITIVE 0.6080 0.6080 1.0000
yawn has_property addictive POSITIVE 0.5664 0.5664 0.5664
yawn has_trait irritable POSITIVE 0.5146 0.5146 0.5146
yawn has_property available POSITIVE 0.4953 0.4953 0.4953
yawn has_property amazing POSITIVE 0.4800 0.4800 0.4800
yawn has_property squeak POSITIVE 0.4597 0.4597 0.4597
yawn be good in pokemon POSITIVE 0.4345 0.4345 1.0000
yawn make others POSITIVE 0.4317 0.4317 0.4511
yawn has_property awake POSITIVE 0.4301 0.4301 0.4301
yawn has_color yellow POSITIVE 0.4240 0.4240 0.4240
yawn has_property wrong POSITIVE 0.4110 0.4110 0.4110
yawn has_property szechuan POSITIVE 0.4012 0.4012 0.4012
yawn has_property contiguous POSITIVE 0.3875 0.3875 1.0000
yawn has_place away POSITIVE 0.3861 0.3861 0.3861