Quasimodo contains 136 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
university of chicago has_property agriculture POSITIVE 0.4394 0.4396 0.4394
university of chicago has_property oyster POSITIVE 0.4440 0.4442 0.4440
university of chicago has_property sweatshirt POSITIVE 0.4465 0.4467 0.4466
university of chicago has_property bookstore POSITIVE 0.4513 0.4515 1.0000
university of chicago has_property jobs POSITIVE 0.4516 0.4518 0.4516
university of chicago has_property axes POSITIVE 0.4524 0.4526 0.4524
university of chicago has_property fees POSITIVE 0.4551 0.4553 0.4551
university of chicago has_property cg-11 POSITIVE 0.4595 0.4597 1.0000
university of chicago has_property wrestling POSITIVE 0.4607 0.4609 0.4607
university of chicago has_property symphony POSITIVE 0.4610 0.4612 0.4610
university of chicago has_property bbs POSITIVE 0.4622 0.4624 0.4692
university of chicago has_property organizations POSITIVE 0.4641 0.4644 0.4730
university of chicago has_property judo POSITIVE 0.4647 0.4649 1.0000
university of chicago has_property zip code POSITIVE 0.4649 0.4651 0.4650
university of chicago has_property gpa POSITIVE 0.4660 0.4662 0.4660
university of chicago has_property gun POSITIVE 0.4664 0.4666 0.4664
university of chicago has_property events POSITIVE 0.4688 0.4690 0.4688
university of chicago has_property gym POSITIVE 0.4694 0.4696 0.4694
university of chicago has_property psychology POSITIVE 0.4767 0.4769 0.4767
university of chicago has_property pizza POSITIVE 0.4781 0.4783 0.4781