Quasimodo contains 449 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
madam secretary wear tie always POSITIVE 0.5283 0.5284 0.5284
artery wall has_property tie POSITIVE 0.5200 0.5500 0.5390
sodium carbonate be used in tie TBC[tie dying] POSITIVE 0.5097 0.5300 1.0000
trout mask replica has_property tie POSITIVE 0.4943 0.4945 0.5123
hardening of the arteries has_property tie POSITIVE 0.4920 0.6154 0.5100
being a vegetarian has_property tie POSITIVE 0.4819 0.4821 0.4995
bearded dragons beard has_property tie POSITIVE 0.4764 0.5313 0.4938
people wear tie still POSITIVE 0.4743 0.4745 0.4743
cavity wall has_property tie POSITIVE 0.4596 0.5000 0.4764
tower of london has_property tie POSITIVE 0.4516 0.4813 0.4681
flat shoe has_property tie POSITIVE 0.4446 0.4681 0.4608
railroad has_property tie TBC[concrete ties so close together] POSITIVE 0.4298 0.4298 0.4455
tongue has_property tie POSITIVE 0.4146 0.4219 0.4297
white hair has_property tie POSITIVE 0.4058 0.4281 0.4206
elephant's ear has_property tie POSITIVE 0.3945 0.4362 0.4089
curly hair has_property tie POSITIVE 0.3927 0.3927 0.4070
nose hair has_property tie POSITIVE 0.3845 0.4322 0.3986
donkey kong have tie POSITIVE 0.3780 0.3843 0.4987
veterinarian wear tie TBC[white jacket] POSITIVE 0.3448 0.3448 0.3448
18-karat gold has_property tie POSITIVE 0.3421 0.3426 0.3546